You’ve done the hard part.
Your science is going to change the world by improving human and planetary health.
The challenge?
The right people – those who control funding and partnerships – don’t know about your work or don’t fully grasp its potential.
Our mission
We inspire support for advances in science, technology, and health that improve our world.
Good science alone
does not guarantee of success
Did you know that scientists developed an electric hybrid car that could get 30 miles to the gallon – in 1914? Without advocacy and visibility, the technology disappeared for 60 years while the oil and gas industry promoted the 100% combustion engine.
The success of any scientific breakthrough depends not just on its merits, but on how well its case is made.
At Whitecoat Strategies, we connect your science with the funding and visibility it needs to build lasting support and success.
The people we serve are more than clients – they’re long-term partners.
Read what they say!
“We have come to rely on Whitecoat’s leadership for long-term, strategic thinking. Whitecoat not only helped to create a vision of our association and industry’s future, but also mapped the critical steps and stakeholders to engage to get us there.”
President & CEO of Association of Medical Device Reprocessors
“WHITECOAT guided us through a messaging process to make sure our launch would be a success.”
“WHITECOAT’S strategic thinking constantly impresses us. They continue to take our integrated web strategy to new levels of success”
Director Of Strategic Development & Marketing of Healthwell Foundation
“It’s comforting for us to know that WHITECOAT is always available to extend our internal capabilities at a moment’s notice. For years, they’ve added strategic thinking and arms and legs for us.”
DO, MPH of American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine